media blog, digital agency, dublin, video, design, web, marketing, culture, SEO, web design


The Peculiars

None of us at Creomedia is an expert blogger. Social media rants don't count. Nonetheless, we like keeping our eyes wide open, eagerly picking up on an interesting detail. Then dig a bit deeper and form a critical opinion. Well, mostly. Sometimes the pure joy is mixed with a hint of fear that we'll find our tools being outdated or simply playing on the wrong court. It happens very quickly in this beautiful industry of ours - there is a short path from evoking avantgarde to plain silly. So most of the Creatives tend to stay tuned. Obsessively.

Following the new trends, technologies and design rationales could become very tiring and predictable though. Regular patterns of welcoming new and seeing off the things which become passé, when repeated in short intervals, could make one oblivious. So we miss a beat. Then another one. In fairness, most likely it's only the beat 1.0.1. That's the time to take a step back. Take a breath. Zoom out. Shift focus to a bigger picture. To the classics. The beat we missed will not become a classic without us noticing, anyway. This media blog will shift its attention between, what we think, are slightly more peculiar beats of the industry's advancement and those classic stories of visual creativity. Topics with the making of a trend, yet dark horses of sorts. Sometimes the peculiars are just plain and ordinary, down to earth topics, as everything else at the time is plain mad in all of its hyper-trendiness. We love those.

Whether peculiar or the classic topic within the world of visual media, we would like to use this opportunity to invite all of you to contribute, share and comment on this little media blog of ours. That would make us very happy.

Creomedia bunch